Washington State Tribal Museums
Tribe![]() |
Museum | Information / Hours | |
Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation |
Yakama Nation Cultural Heritage Center
100 Spiel-yi Loop
, WA
See map: Google Maps pamela@yakama.com 509-865-2800x1 fax: 509-865-5749 http://www.yakamamuseum.com/ |
Museum features unique dioramas and exhibits on the history and culture of the Yakama people, including life-size dwellings of the Plateau People and Yakama Nation mannequin exhibit. The Cultural Center Campus also includes a gift shop, restaurant, theater, library, and AAA luxury RV Park (1-800-877- 3087). YEAR ROUND: Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm |
Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation |
Colville Confederated Tribes Museum
512 Mead Way
Coulee Dam
, WA
See map: Google Maps 509/633-0751 fax: 509/633-2320 |
Museum is operated by the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation. Helps increase awareness of Indian culture and traditions. Gift shop has arts & crafts on display and for sale. Monday-Friday |
Duwamish Tribe |
Duwamish Longhouse & Cultural Center
4706 West Marginal Way SW
, WA
See map: Google Maps info@duwamishtribe.org tours@duwamishtribe.org rentals@duwamishtribe.org www.facebook/Duwamish Longhouse & Cultural Center 206-431-1582 fax: 206-431-1962 https://www.duwamishtribe.org/ |
Jolene Haas, Director Free and Open to the Public – Year Round |
Lummi Nation |
Lummi Archives and Records
2616 Kwina Road
Bldg J
, WA
See map: Google Maps 360-384-2246 fax: 360-312-8742 |
The Lummi Archives & Records center preserves the tribe’s historical records. It is also the designated place to store the Tribe’s Museum Collections until a tribal museum is established. YEAR ROUND: |
Makah Tribe |
Makah Museum/Research Center
1880 Bayview Avenue
Neah Bay
, WA
See map: Google Maps makahmuseum@centurytel.net 360-645-2711 fax: 360-645-2656 http://www.makah.com/mcrchome.html |
Makah Museum interprets and houses 300-500 year old artifacts recovered from the Ozette Archaeological Site, as well as masks, baskets, carvings, and jewelry. Gift shop has handmade items by tribal members for sale. YEAR ROUND: |
Puyallup Tribe |
Puyallup Tribe Historic Preservation
3700 Pacific Highway E
Suite 311
, WA
See map: Google Maps 253-573-7965 |
Museum displays include baskets, carved masks, historic photos, drums, and paintings by Puyallup Tribal members. Some items are for sale. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 10am to 4pm |
Quinault Indian Nation |
Quinault Cultural Center and Museum
807 - 5th Avenue Quinault Plaza / Suite 1
, WA
See map: Google Maps ljones@quinault.org 360-276-8211 ex245 fax: 360-276-4682 http://www.quinaultindiannation.com/museum.html |
Museum displays include baskets, carvings, and photographic archives from seven coastal tribes. There is a small gift shop with items for sale. Tours are welcome. YEAR ROUND: |
Skokomish Indian Tribe |
Skokomish Tribal Museum
N. 80 Tribal Center Road
Skokomish Nation
, WA
See map: Google Maps shlanay1@skokomish.org 360-426-4232 ex2015 fax: 360-877-5943 |
Museum features Skokomish artists and craftspeople. Displays include carvings, bentwood boxes, baskets, and paintings. YEAR ROUND: Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm |
Squaxin Island Tribe |
Squaxin Island Tribe Museum Library and Research Center (MLRC)
, WA
See map: Google Maps ckrise@squaxin.us 360-432-3839 http://squaxinislandmuseum.org |
Museum features exhibits and displays on Squaxin Island history, culture, and the relationship between Squaxin Island tribal members and the seven inlets of South Puget Sound. MLRC also features a public library and a gift shop specializing in Squaxin Island and other Native American art and literature. YEAR ROUND: |
Steilacoom Tribe |
Steilacoom Cultural Center and Museum
1515 Lafayette / P.O. Box 88419
, WA
See map: Google Maps info@steilacoomtribe.org 253-584-6308 fax: 253-584-0224 |
Museum has displays on the Steilacoom people and occasional traveling exhibits. Located in an historic church. YEAR ROUND: |
Suquamish Tribe |
Suquamish Museum
6861 NE South Street
, WA
See map: Google Maps jsmoak@suquamish.nsn.us 360/394-8499 fax: 360/598-6295 http://www.suquamishmuseum.org |
Museum features exhibits on the Suquamish people, the boarding school experience, and Old Man House - a mammoth longhouse. Gift shop has handcrafted items, note cards, prints, books, videos, and t-shirts. YEAR ROUND: |
Tulalip Tribes |
Tulalip Tribes Hibulb Cultural Center
6410 - 23rd Avenue NE
, WA
See map: Google Maps info@HibulbCulturalCenter.org 360/716-2600 fax: 360/716-0027 http://www.hibulbculturalcenter.org/ |
The Hibulb Cultural Center is approx. 23,000 square feet with a 50-acre natural history preserve. The interactive cultural center features a main exhibit, a temporary exhibit, two classrooms, a long house, a research library, and gift shop. The Hibulb cultural Center also features a fully certified collections and archaeological repository. It is the only Tribal facility certified by the State of Washington. YEAR ROUND: |