RCW 43.376.040 Training requirement. Training required under RCW 43.376.020 for state agency employees must include at a minimum:
- Effective communication and collaboration between state agencies and Indian tribes;
- Cultural competency in providing effective services to tribal governments and tribal members; and
- Use of training services such as those provided through the Governor's Office of Indian Affairs.
Course description
The Governor’s Office of Indian Affairs (GOIA) WA-State Government to Government Training is a one day training session required under RCW 43.376.040, which includes sections for participants to improve cultural awareness, explore a variety of legal issues impacting modern relationship building, increase their understanding of tribal sovereignty, and examine numerous approaches to working more effectively with tribal governments. The training allows sufficient time for questions and group discussion and should assist state employees in furthering their relationships with Washington State’s twenty-nine federally recognized tribes.
After completing the training, attendees should have a much better understanding of tribes, their people and unique culture, and an enhanced awareness of the importance of multi-culturalism. Each attendee will be provided with a user-friendly reference book to continue furthering their understanding of contemporary Native culture.
The Governor’s Office of Indian Affairs is eager to provide this training statewide to as many people as possible. We wish to foster the spirit of cooperation and partnership in the continuing evolution state-tribal relations.
**The GOIA WA State Government-to-Government Training doesn't qualify for the School Administrator Government-to-Government Training required under HB 1426 or the School Directors Tribal Consultation training required under Substitute Senate Bill 5252. For more information on these trainings, please contact OSPI Office of Native Education (ONE) at (360) 725-6160 or visit their website OSPI ONE.
Sign-up / registration
State agency employees should contact their training manager or LMS representative to register them in the DES LMS Training system. Other public entities may register by contacting the Department of Enterprise Services (DES) Training Team at or (360) 664-1921 between the hours of 8am and 5pm Monday-Friday.
Training will be held both in Olympia and other locations.
Training is scheduled from 8:30-4:30pm. Below is a listing of training dates and locations, which are subject to change.
$220 per person.
Agencies interested in agency-tailored or agency-specific Government to Government Training sessions, please contact Gordon James, Special Projects & Training Manager at or (564) 669-8935 for more information.